SD160是美国SD公司(Spectral Dynamics Divition)1981年的新产品。今年初,我们引进了其成套散件自行组装,并按SD公司的标准进行调试校验。对样机和我们组装的SD160做了全面的性能比较和指标测试,然后将我们组装的一台SD160返回SD公司做评价性测试。通过测试,SD公司认为,我们的装配质量是好的,仪器性能指标和SD公司出厂的一样。进口散件可节省一半外汇,成本也低于进口较多的同类仪器——丹麦B&K的1047,同时也利于我们自身技术的提高和便于今后的仪器维修。本文对SD160正弦控制器加以介绍。
SD160 is the new product of 1981 by Spectral Dynamics Divition. Earlier this year, we introduced a complete set of its own assembly of spare parts, and according to the SD company’s commissioning calibration. The prototype and we assembled SD160 made a comprehensive performance comparison and index testing, and then we assembled an SD160 SD company to do evaluation tests. Through the test, SD company believes that our assembly quality is good, the instrument performance indicators and SD company shipped the same. Import spare parts can save half of foreign exchange, the cost is also lower than imported similar instruments - B & K Denmark 1047, but also help us improve their own technology and facilitate the future maintenance of equipment. This article describes the SD160 sine controller.