上月,各国举行活动,纪念改写了世界历史的诺曼底登陆战五十周年。其实,在此后的一个月,另一件同样可以改写二次大战历史的事件差点发生:纳粹德国内一群反对势力,试图刺杀希特勒,然后建立新的文人政府。可惜阴差阳错,令希特勒逃过大难。 计划失败后,大多数参与者都难逃被杀的悲惨命运。甚至他们的家人,也全遭逮捕下狱。直
Last month, various countries held an event commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the landing of Normandy, which rewrote the history of the world. In fact, in the following month, another incident that could similarly rewrite the history of World War II almost happened: a group of opposition forces in Nazi Germany tried to assassinate Hitler and then set up a new civilian government. Unfortunately, many mistakes made Hitler escape disaster. After the plan fails, most participants can not escape the tragic fate of being killed. Even their families, all arrested and jailed. straight