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有首歌写道:“当我走遍大江南北,我要说最美的地方,还是我们新疆。”我美丽的家乡石河子就在新疆。石河子位于天山脚下,是一座被人们誉为“戈壁明珠”的年轻城市。这里虽然没有多少名胜古迹,但却有一种天然、朴实的美;虽 A song wrote: “When I traveled all over the country, I would like to say the most beautiful place, or our Xinjiang.” “My beautiful hometown of Shihezi is in Xinjiang. Located at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, Shihezi is a young city hailed as the ”Gobi Pearl" by people. Although there are not many places of interest here, but there is a natural, simple beauty; though
The effects of genistein on several tumor cell lines were investigated to study the effects of genistein on cell growth, cell cycle, and apoptosis of two murine
DNA polymerase (POL) λ plays an important role during DNA repair and DNA nonhomologous recombination processes. A novel POL λ variant was cloned from a human
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Objective To explore whether condom use is influenced by power relation in commercial sex behaviors. Methods Variables were designed to measure the power relati
The cerebellar fastigial nucleus (FN) holds an important role in motor control and body balance. Previous studies have revealed that the nucleus is innervated b
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