添加“催化剂” 解题更有效——函数思想在数列解题中的渗透

来源 :高中数学教与学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dlinc
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数列是一类定义在正整数集N*或它的有限子集{1,2,…n}上的特殊函数an=f(n),数列与函数的综合是当今高考命题的重点与热点.我们在解决数列问题时,应充分利用函数的有关知识,以此为纽带,架起函数与数列间的桥梁,揭示他们间的内在联系,从 The sequence is a special function an = f (n) which is defined on the set of positive integers N * or its finite subset {1,2, ... n}. The combination of sequence and function is the focus and hotspot of today’s college entrance examination. When we solve the series of questions, we should make full use of the relevant knowledge of the function as a link, set up a bridge between the function and the series, and reveal the intrinsic connection between them. From