Steiner, a well-known British translation theorist, once made the following statement about the translation process: “There are four steps in translation: ⑴ trust; ⑵ aggression ⑶ incorporation ⑷ restitution ) ”(1975/1992: 312-316) Steiner’s four-step translation emphasizes the translator’s subjectivity. Therefore, in the process of translation, translators can make choices on such issues as translation, why translation and how to translate. At the same time, translation is influenced by the translator’s personality, personal experience, aesthetic ideas, literary competence and the place The mainstream ideology and other factors. In other words, the translator’s translation is subject to the translator’s subjectivity. This paper attempts to explore how Hamlet, translated by Zhu Shenghao as an example, carries the image of national culture connotation and aesthetic experience and how to convey it in literary translation from the perspective of translator’s subjectivity.