在中国西南,四川省和云南省共有一个天然湖泊——泸沽湖,生活在这里的人们至今仍沿袭着带有明显母系社会特征的家庭结构,这种独特的社会现象,正吸引着越来越多的中外游客来此观光探奇。 初夏时节的一个清晨,记者从凉山彝族自治州首府西昌市向泸沽湖进发,车子沿着一条崎岖的山路盘旋而行,途中穿越座座高山和层层峡谷,日暮时分,一片开阔的水面呈现在眼前,便是泸沽湖。斜阳夕照中,沪沽湖上水光潋滟,渔帆点点,身着盛装、唱着悠扬情歌的摩梭姑娘坐在猪槽船上缓缓划过,伴着湖边小镇袅袅炊烟,宁静,恬淡,恍若世外桃园。
In southwestern China, a natural lake in Sichuan Province and Yunnan Province, the Lugu Lake, is still home to people living here, with a distinctly matriarchal family structure. This unique social phenomenon is attracting more and more Many Chinese and foreign tourists came to explore this tour. Early one summer morning, reporters from the capital of Xishan City, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture march to the Lugu Lake, the car circled along a rugged mountain road, passing through the seat high mountains and layers of canyons, at sunset, an open water surface in front of us , Is the Lugu Lake. In the setting sun, in the light of the lake in Shanghai, there are a lot of lights on the water, while the sailboat is dressed in a costume and sings a melodious song. The girl sitting in a piggy bank slowly passes through the lake, curling smoke and tranquility with the lake town , Reminding us of scenes outside the world Taoyuan.