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冻垡晒垡是水稻土耕作的一项重要措施,也是调节水稻土肥力、创造优良的作物生长环境的一项技术措施。农民在翻耕土地以后,为了及时改善土壤条件,只要有可能,总要把土垡冻透、晒透,例如,全国劳动模范陈永康就很重视稻田晒垡,他说:“麦收后晒三、四天,晒得好就能抵一次基肥”。这是因为冻垡可使不易耕作、不易平整的僵土(质地粘重、结构性差的土壤)由大块变小块,从而便于耕作管理;晒垡不但在土体胀缩过程中疏松了土壤,便于插秧,并且由于促进了土壤养分的矿化,使水稻灌水前期,土壤铵态氮含量增高,因而对土壤潜在肥力的发挥起着重要的作用。同时翻垡冻晒,还可以氧化土壤里的一些有毒物质(还原物质),使不致危害水稻。 Freeze-drying is an important measure of paddy cultivation and also a technical measure to regulate the fertility of paddy soil and create a good crop environment. For example, Chen Yongkang, a national model worker, attaches great importance to the drying up of rice fields. He said: “After the wheat is harvested, the grain is harvested and dried, Four days, basking can be arrived at a base fat. ” This is because frostbite can make non-perishable, not easy formation of rigid soil (texture sticky, poorly structured soil) from large to small pieces, so as to facilitate farming management; drying not only loose soil in the process of soil expansion and contraction , Which is convenient for transplanting rice and plays an important role in the potential fertility of soils by promoting the mineralization of soil nutrients and increasing the content of ammonium nitrogen in the soil prior to irrigation. At the same time turn 垡 freeze drying, but also can oxidize some of the toxic substances in the soil (reducing substances), so that will not endanger the rice.
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