In order to assess the impact of the nuclear fragmentation reaction in the treatment of carbon ion tumors, a set of detector systems was established at the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences to measure the relevant reaction products. The detection system includes the initial detector, water target system, charged particle identification system and neutron measurement system. The performance of the system was tested in a beam using a 250 MeV / u12C6 + Beam 50 mm water target at the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The experimental results show that this detection system clearly distinguishes elements such as H, He, Li, Be, B and C through the method of ΔE-E and TOF-ΔE. The corresponding angular distributions of these charged fragments (H and He are given in this work) are obtained by calculating the differential cross section of charged fragments with different Z values. The performance of the charged particle measurement system in this detection system meets the design goals.