当前,我国国防科技工业的发展面临着许多困难和矛盾,尤其是在当前治理整顿,国家经济比较困难的情况下,国家不可能在资金上对国防科技工业给予更多的投入。我们一定要从实际出发,审时度势,量力而行,克服那种坐等国家增加投资的依赖思想和无所作为的思想,走出一条在经费紧张的情况下,发展国防科技工业的路子来。具体来说就是: 一、贯彻缩短战线,突出重点的方针,防止“全面开花”“缩短战线,突出重点”是中央军委从我国的国情、军情出发,
At present, the development of China’s national defense science and technology industry faces many difficulties and contradictions. Especially in the current rectification of governance and the relatively difficult national economy, the state can not devote more funds to the national defense science and technology industry. We must proceed from reality, review the situation and do what we can to overcome the idea of waiting for the country to rely more on investment and rely on it, and get out of a path of developing the national defense science and technology industry under tight financial constraints. Specifically: First, to implement the principle of shortening the front line and focusing on key points to prevent “blooming in full bloom,” “shortening the front line and giving priority to key points,” is the decision of the Central Military Commission starting from China’s national conditions and military conditions,