With the improvement of application technologies of “920”, the ear of male sterility of rice was fully extracted and the rate of outcrossing and seed setting was increased. In the past, a set of standard for identifying heterosis in the field was no longer suitable for middle-high yield. In order to stabilize and improve the purity of seeds, our district has found out a new set of methods for removing impurities in practice. That is, the work of impurity removal is divided into four stages, according to the various characteristics of different stages of impurity removal. The first stage: sowing to booting period. Mainly remove the obvious different varieties, barnyard grass and so on. The second stage: heading period. Mainly remove the different varieties, such as hybrid generation, conventional species, maintaining the Department of hybrid strains. The utility model is characterized in that the plants are tall and the leaves are wide and long; the maintainer lines are earlier heading for 1-3 days than the female population, and the ear-neck is longer. The third stage: during pollination. Mainly remove the maintenance of hybrid strains. “920 ” application, the majority of male sterile ear completely out, according to the length of the neck has been unable to distinguish between hybrids, its unique features are: anthers yellow, with normal pollen. Every morning,