日本幼儿园的幼儿运动游戏种类繁多,趣味性强,深受幼儿的喜爱。本文介绍几例: 一、传球幼儿每10人为一组。排成一路纵队站立,两名幼儿之间相距50厘米。拿一个皮球或塑料球由前面第一个幼儿开始往后传。传球的方法是:幼儿双手持球从头顶上举过向后传,不准回头看;后面的幼儿双手接球后也用同样的方法将球往后传。球不能落地。最后比比哪一组传得既快又准。二、接龙幼儿约10人为一组,排成一列,每人的姿势都是手脚着地,呈弓状。一名幼儿从队前开始钻过幼儿组成的一个个弓,钻到队末后,自己也手脚着地形成弓状。前面的幼儿再接着钻。此谓接龙。这项游戏的目的是锻炼幼儿手腕力量及坚持性。三、过吊桥将三张同样大小的塑料布相叠,四
Japanese kindergarten child care games a wide range of interesting and strong, loved by young children. This article describes a few examples: First, the passing of children every 10 people as a group. Stand in line column, two children separated by 50 cm. Take a ball or plastic ball back from the first toddler in front. Passing the ball is: both hands holding the ball backwards from the top of the hands of children, are not allowed to look back; after the hands of young children after the ball with the same method the ball back pass. The ball can not fall. Which group than the final pass faster and more accurate. Second, Solitaire children about 10 people as a group, lined up, each person’s posture are hands and feet, bowed. A toddler from the front of the team started drilling a bow composed of young children, drilling to the end of the team, he also hands and feet to form a bow. In front of children and then drill. This is a solitaire. The purpose of this game is to train young children’s wrist strength and persistence. Third, the suspension bridge will be the same size of three plastic sheets stacked, four