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泸沽湖省级风景名胜区泸沽湖,位于川滇交界外的四川省盐源县泸沽湖镇,距西昌市258公里,宛如一颗洁白无暇的巨大珍珠镶嵌在祖国的西南部。她那如诗如画的旖旎风光,亘古独存的母系氏族遗风民俗,基督教中的“诺亚方舟”,喇嘛教的朝钟暮鼓,是那样地惹人瞩目,使众多游客的目光投向这块神秘的土地。 Lugu Lake Provincial Scenic Area Lugu Lake, located in the Lugu Lake town of Yanyuan County, Sichuan Province, bordering Sichuan and Yunnan Province, 258 kilometers away from Xichang City, is like a white immaculate giant pearl inlaid in the southwest of the motherland. Her picturesque charming scenery, the legacy of matriarchal clans left behind by eternity, the “Noah’s Ark” in Christianity and the Lamaism’s bell-bending toward the bells and whistles are so striking that many tourists’ eyes are on this piece Mysterious land.
A new radical-mediated method for the synthesis of 1-(2-(1,2-diarylvinyl)phenyl)ethan-1-ones by the redox hydroarylation of o-(hydroxyalkyl)arylalkynes with ary
如果说藏族青年的恋爱是浪漫的、自由的,那么雪域高原的婚礼便是严肃、神圣和充满宗教意味的。西藏青年男女结婚较晚,一般都在20岁以后。 在西藏,无论女子嫁到男方家,或是男
The hydrodynamic effects of reconnecting a lake group with the Yangtze River were simulated using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The model was calibrat
Nature 2015,519,334-338碳-氢键是有机分子当中最常见的化学键,其键能极高,一般很难被直接活化用于反应当中.快速有效而又具有高度选择性的官能团化分子中碳-氢键能够极大地
Objectives: To estimate 1) the risk of candidiasis (neonatal thrush or breast infections or both) in nursing mother-infant pairs and 2) whether receipt of intra
*突然阵发性哭吵。 *反复呕吐,吐出物为食物→胆汁→粪便。 *果酱色稀便,约发病6小时出现。 *腹部可摸到香肠样块状物。 * Suddenly paroxysmal crying. * Repeated vomiti