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本文报告胰管蛔虫症44例,讨论蛔虫引起的病理变化及诊疗方法。除嵌入胰管太紧或钻入太深者外,大部份蛔虫可自动退出胰管。其损害大小依阻塞部位、程度和时间而定。全虫进入胰管的危害性大于嵌在壶腹和盘于胰尾者。均有胆绞痛、胆管炎和胰腺炎表现,86%为急性胰腺炎。14%反复发作性慢性胰腺炎。B超、ERCP等发现壶腹、胰管蛔虫和显微镜发现虫卵。或急性胰腺炎伴有胆道或十二指肠蛔虫者可确诊。由于82%蛔虫嵌于壶腹部,抗炎和解痉可促其退出胰管,无效者亦便于内镜拔除。少数位于胰体尾部或伴炎症性肿块,或为坏死性胰腺炎仍需手术治疗。 This article reports 44 cases of ascariasis of the pancreatic duct, to discuss the pathological changes caused by roundworms and diagnosis and treatment methods. In addition to embedding the pancreatic duct is too tight or drill too deep, most roundworms can automatically exit the pancreatic duct. The size of the damage depends on the location of the obstruction, extent and time. All insects into the pancreatic duct is more harmful than embedded in the ampulla and dish in the tail of the pancreas. Have biliary colic, cholangitis and pancreatitis performance, 86% of acute pancreatitis. 14% recurrent chronic pancreatitis. B ultrasound, ERCP found ampulla, pancreatic duct roundworm and microscope to find eggs. Or acute pancreatitis associated with biliary or duodenal roundworm who can be diagnosed. As 82% of roundworms embedded in the ampulla, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic can promote its withdrawal from the pancreatic duct, ineffective also facilitate endoscopic removal. A small number of pancreatic body in the tail or with inflammatory mass, or necrotizing pancreatitis still need surgery.
街上贴满了海报,上面写着:“今晚7:30 华彩音乐厅 伟大的音乐家波斯猫亲自演奏全新曲目 欢迎观看!!!”  音乐厅的门票,不到一小时就卖完了。  晚上,华彩音乐厅灯火辉煌,观众开始进场了。  这时候,在演员休息厅里,波斯猫在叮嘱一只叫小花背的小乌龟:“今晚来看演出的,都是贵族和名流,我演奏的时候,你千万不能伸出头来,因为你太丑了,会把人吓着的。”  “那,我算什么呢?”小花背问。  “就算是和我
On the basis of analyzing the importance of cryospheric researches in China and current status of cryospheric sciences in the world,this paper addresses key iss
摘 要:在中学化学教学中培养广大学生的创新思维,可以采用有目的、有系统、多维化的创新教学与训练,以加强知识结构的优化,注重化学史教育,改进和创新实验教学内容,精选高质量的习题教学;为给学生奠定扎实的理论基础和熟练的专业技能,使学生掌握一定的科学方法,强化创新意识,开发创新思维,从而达到提高学生的创新技能与技巧、创新素质的目的。  关键词:中学化学 教学 创新 思维    我国著名数学家华罗庚说:“
我院在1991~1993年间,内镜下诊断疣状胃炎(Verrucos Gastritis.VG)254例,占同期内镜检查4893例的5.19%。现将治疗资料完整的157例治疗体会报告于下: In our hospital from 199
一、前言 经济思想史是经济学独立本科段的一门重要课程。该课程有一个最大特点就是一门令人犯“怵”的“纯理论”课程。不少考生在考前都感到思想压力很大。其实,这一课程是
提出了具有面向对象和并行计算概念、基于分层和分区的具有良好动态自适应特性的分布式消息同步网络模型。 A distributed message synchronization network model with obj