This article reports 44 cases of ascariasis of the pancreatic duct, to discuss the pathological changes caused by roundworms and diagnosis and treatment methods. In addition to embedding the pancreatic duct is too tight or drill too deep, most roundworms can automatically exit the pancreatic duct. The size of the damage depends on the location of the obstruction, extent and time. All insects into the pancreatic duct is more harmful than embedded in the ampulla and dish in the tail of the pancreas. Have biliary colic, cholangitis and pancreatitis performance, 86% of acute pancreatitis. 14% recurrent chronic pancreatitis. B ultrasound, ERCP found ampulla, pancreatic duct roundworm and microscope to find eggs. Or acute pancreatitis associated with biliary or duodenal roundworm who can be diagnosed. As 82% of roundworms embedded in the ampulla, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic can promote its withdrawal from the pancreatic duct, ineffective also facilitate endoscopic removal. A small number of pancreatic body in the tail or with inflammatory mass, or necrotizing pancreatitis still need surgery.