
来源 :Finance and Tax Law Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YU168
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目次一、我国历史上治国模式之梳理与“理财”思想之流变二、“理财”与“治国”的意涵解析与内在关联三、“理财治国”理念与法治目标的一致性四、“理财治国”的核心要素与判断标准五、“理财治国”新理念的重要意义及其实现路径六、结语当前,我国的改革在政治、经济等多个领域并举展开。虽然已经取得了较大进步并初步展现出改革成果,但不可否认的是,改革的进路中仍然存在着诸多的观念羁绊和制度障碍,包括人民代表大会的权力行使 First, the combing of the governance model of our country in history and the changing of the thought of “financial management” two, the analysis of the meaning of “financial management” and “governance of the state” and the inner relationship of three “” The consistency of the goals of the rule of law IV. The core elements and criteria of “managing state affairs by using wealth management” 5. The significance of the new concept of “managing finance by money” and the path for its realization VI. Conclusion At present, the reform of our country is politically and economically more A field simultaneously opened. Although great progress has been made and the results of the reform have been tentatively shown, it is undeniable that there are still many fetters and obstacles in the reform process, including the exercise of the power of the people’s congress
摘 要:叶圣陶曾近说过:“课堂教学的最高艺术是看学生,而不是看老师,看学生能否在课堂中焕发生命的活力。” 因此,我们的教学必须要适合新课程理念,构建数学生态课堂教学范式,提高数学课堂效率。  关键词:教学方法;探究  课堂是什么?课堂是师生双向交流的一个动态的场所,在这个场所中,教师和学生的生命在课堂四十五分钟互动交往,在这个场所,教师的心灵引领着学生的心灵;在这个场所,学生是积极主动的鲜明的个体