Optimization of train plan for urban rail transit in the multi-routing mode

来源 :Journal of Modern Transportation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jingle2008
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The train plan of urban rail transit under multi-routing mode can be divided into three parts:train formation,train operation periods and corresponding train counts of each routing in each period.Based on the analysis of passen-ger’s general travel expenses and operator’s benefits,the constraints and objective functions are defined and the multi-objective optimization model for the train plan of urban rail transit is presented.Factors considered in the multi-objective optimization model include transport capacity,the requirements of traffic organization,corporation benefits,passenger demands,and passenger choice behavior under multi-train-routing mode.According to the characteristics of this model and practical planning experience,a three-phase solution was designed to gradually optimize the train for-mation,train counts as well as operation periods.The instance of Changsha Metro Line 2 validates the feasibility and efficiency of this approach. The train plan of urban rail transit under multi-routing mode can be divided into three parts: train formation, train operation periods and corresponding train counts of each routing in each period. Based on the analysis of passen-ger’s general travel expenses and operator’s benefits , the constraints and objective functions are defined and the multi-objective optimization model for the train plan of urban rail transit is presented. Factors considered in the multi-objective optimization model include transport capacity, the requirements of traffic organization, corporation benefits, passenger demands , and passenger choice behavior under multi-train-routing mode. According to the characteristics of this model and practical planning experience, a three-phase solution was designed to gradually optimize the train for-mation, train counts as well as operation periods.s. instance of Changsha Metro Line 2 validates the feasibility and efficiency of this approach.
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