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今年的“十二五”规划提出,未来一个时期是我国大城市群形成的关键时期,以首都为核心的城市群及其广大区域正在成为国内发展最具活力的区域之一。同时北京将更深入广泛地开展与津冀晋蒙及环渤海地区合作,充分发挥首都优势,共同推进区域一体化和首都经济圈形成。至此作为国家发展战略的首都经济圏的提出,使京津冀一体化的建设由设想进入实质性规划阶段。首都经济圈是以北京为中心,半径为300到400公里的环形“圈域”。圈域内包括北京、天津以及河北的廊坊、固安、石家庄、唐山、秦皇岛等区域。同是区域经济一体化发展,但是首都经济圏的格局却不同于已经发展成体系的长三角和珠三角地区,长三角城市群是以上海为中心、杭州和南京为副中心;珠三角城市群是以同在一省的广州和深圳为中心,而首都经济圈以北京为绝对核心城市,京津冀一体化发展。首都经济圈一经提出,很多人调侃道:“与其命名为经济圈,不如定其为楼市圏。”诚然首都经济圈不能等同于楼市圈,但是随着首都经济圈的规划建设,京津冀的楼市一体化抱团发展将势在必行,在北京的住房压力转嫁给津冀的同时,也带动了津冀地区楼市的迅猛发展。人们不禁发问首都经济圈里的京津冀楼市将会圈出何种未来? This year’s “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” puts forward that the coming period will be a crucial period for the formation of a large urban agglomeration in China. The urban agglomerations with the capital as the core and its vast area are becoming one of the most dynamic areas in China. At the same time, Beijing will carry out more extensive and extensive cooperation with Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Mongolia and the Bohai Rim, give full play to the advantages of the capital, and jointly promote the regional integration and the formation of the capital economic circle. At this point, as the capital development strategy of the national economy, the integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Ji into the substantive planning stage has been envisaged. The Capital Economic Circle is a circular “circle of land” centered on Beijing with a radius of 300 to 400 kilometers. Circle area includes Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Langfang, Gu’an, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao and other regions. However, the pattern of the capital economy is different from that of the developed Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. The Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration is centered on Shanghai and Hangzhou and Nanjing are subordinate centers. The Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration It is centered on Guangzhou and Shenzhen in the same province, while Beijing’s capital city has Beijing as the absolute core city and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration. Once the capital economic circle has been proposed, many people quipped: “And its name as the economic circle, it is better for the property market. ” It is true that the capital economic circle can not be equated with the property market circle, but with the planning and construction of the capital economic circle, Beijing and Tianjin Hebei’s property market integration Baotuan development will be imperative, while housing pressure in Beijing passed on to Tianjin and Hebei, but also led to the rapid development of the property market in Tianjin and Hebei. People can not help asking what kind of future the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei property market in the capital’s economic circle will circle?
19世纪的西班牙,在政治和经济领域都不属于欧洲的强权国家,年轻的圣地亚哥·拉蒙-卡哈尔在没有任何背景的情况下进入了科学界,经过自己的不懈努力,于1906年获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,成为西班牙少数能享誉国际的科学家。  卡哈尔当属科学史上的传奇人物之一,被尊称为现代解剖学和神经学之父,他为提出大脑的现代定义做出了最主要的贡献,写出了具有历史开创意义的《神经系统结构新论》和《人和脊椎动物的神经组织学
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