The Chinese language examination reforms that began in 1998 have significantly strengthened the examination of accumulated language knowledge. In 1999, this feature was even more prominent. According to the author’s analysis of the examination questions in 30 provinces and cities across the country, there are no exceptions to the problem of language accumulation. The Shanghai examination questions have eliminated the basic knowledge section, but 12 questions that involve language accumulation have also been added to the reading section. The provinces and cities recorded the accumulated questions, ranging from 5 to 6 points, and more than 15 points, accounting for 10% of the total score of the whole volume. The content of the examination was extensive, and the types of questions were flexible. This reflects that propositioners all over the country are increasingly aware that language accumulation is a very important aspect of mother tongue learning in the basic education stage. Strengthening the examination of the accumulation of language literacy is beneficial to the development of language quality. improve. This is indeed an important development trend and will surely have a certain influence on the reform of Chinese teaching. In this regard, the author made a preliminary study of the characteristics and significance of the cumulative knowledge of language written examination questions.