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聪明的人很少跟在别人后边跑,做生意最忌讳盲从。当市场上某种买卖正“火”的时候,要耐心地观察和等待机会,也许热点很快就消失,也许是刚刚开始,要看准了再行动。人人都做的生意有时不一定是赚钱的生意,别人不做的生意有时反而赚钱。如果你是一块经商的材料,就按自己的感觉去做,然后把你的全部身心都投入进去,生意肯定能做好。旅馆大王威尔逊的想法与众不同。1951年,他带领全家到华盛顿旅游,开着自己的车子,一路上吃了不少苦头。旅游区的旅馆价高而服务差,旅客们怨声载道。这种非常平常的事却激发了威尔逊的灵感:在这块地皮上建一座旅馆,让所有的旅客有个好心情。于是“假日旅馆”便诞生了。威尔逊的“假日旅馆”风景优美,服务一流,旅馆里还设有游泳池,每个房间里有电视、电话;对于带着爱犬的人,还能提供精美的犬舍;若是旅客生病,旅馆还可立即召来医生。威尔逊的经营明显地不同一般,生意很快发展到世界各国,他本人也成为名符其实的亿万富翁。市场是一个巨大的海洋,随时都在千变万化,来自市场的信息也因此千差万别。而一些热门信息往往使很多人趋之若鹜,一哄而上,跟着干,照着办。殊 Smart people seldom run behind others, and business is the most taboo. When there is some kind of buying and selling in the market, be patient and observe and wait for the opportunity. Perhaps the hot spots will soon disappear. Perhaps it is just the beginning, and you must be sure to take action. The business that everyone does is not necessarily a business that makes money. Sometimes businesses that others do not make money. If you are a piece of business material, do it according to your own feelings, and then put all your mind and body into it, business can certainly do a good job. Hotel Prince Wilson’s idea is different. In 1951, he led his family to travel to Washington, driving his own car and eating a lot of pain along the way. Tourists in the tourism area have high prices and poor service, and passengers complain about it. This very usual thing inspired Wilson’s inspiration: build a hotel on this plot of land, so that all visitors have a good mood. So the “Holiday Inn” was born. Wilson’s “Holiday Inn” is beautiful and the service is excellent. The hotel also has a swimming pool. Each room has a TV and a telephone. For dogs, they can also provide exquisite kennels. If travelers are sick, The hotel can also call a doctor immediately. Wilson’s business is obviously different, business has quickly developed into countries all over the world, and he himself has become a truly billionaire. The market is a huge ocean and it is constantly changing. The information from the market is also very different. Some popular information tends to make many people flock to it, and they follow suit and follow suit. special
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