一、概述QFB 型拼合式浮标气动量仪(简称新量仪),它是在其母体 QFP 型浮标气动量仪(简称老量仪)的基础上进行更新换代的。老量仪是引进国外五十年代的产品,其工作原理是通过将待测零件尺寸的变化量转换成空气的流量变化,气体驱动浮标在锥度玻璃管内高低位置的不同,来实现对微小尺寸的变化进行比较测量。此种仪器虽然结构比较简单,调整、使用亦方便,浮标惯性小,反应速度快,应用较广,但与国外同类产品相比,差距较大,如体积大,笨重,生
First, an overview QFB-type buoy aerodynamic instrument (referred to as the new instrument), it is in its parent QFP buoy pneumatic measuring instrument (referred to as the old meter) on the basis of replacement. The old instrument is the introduction of foreign products of the fifties, and its working principle is to change the size of the parts to be measured changes into the flow of air changes, gas-driven buoys in the taper of the glass tube height position to achieve the small size Change compared to measure. Although the structure of this instrument is relatively simple, easy to adjust, easy to use, low inertia of the buoy, fast response and wide range of applications, but compared with similar foreign products, such as large, heavy, heavy