表达素养 从提升言语品位开始

来源 :小学生(中旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ming20080904
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阅读教学要强调言语表现,其根本就是要夯实学生的内在学养,就是要让每个学生在现有教材的基础上见得更广、想得更深、悟得更透。这就要求阅读教学必须要紧扣文本中最典型、最突出的某一价值点,帮助学生重新构建自我、充实自我、完善自我,让学生在真正的学习中积攒能带走的东西。本文提出要联系实际,在积蓄情感中提升言语品位;品析体验,在积累图式中提升言语品位;诵读练笔,在积淀语感中提升言语品位,从而丰富学生的内在体验。 To emphasize the performance of speech in reading teaching, it is essential to consolidate the inherent learning of students, is to make each student in the existing textbook based on a broader, deeper, more insight. This requires reading teaching must be closely linked to the text of the most typical and most prominent point of value to help students re-construct themselves and enrich themselves and improve themselves, so that students can accumulate in real learning to take things. In this paper, we propose to improve the quality of speech in the accumulation of emotion, analyze the experience, improve the speech quality in the accumulated schema, improve the speech quality in the accumulation of language sense, and enrich the inner experience of students.
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BACKGROUND: An emergency department(ED) visit may be distressing and anxiety-provoking for older adults(age > 65 years). No studies have specifically evaluated
一、选择题 (每小题 5分 ,共 3 0分 )1.计算 a(a -b) (a -c) + b(b -c) (b -a) +c(c-a) (c-b) 的结果是 (   ) .(A) 2a(a -b) (a -c) (B) 2b(a -b) (b -c)(C) 2c(a -c) (b