Oxygen and Iron-and Steelmaking:Best Friends and Arch-Enemies

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxin_vb
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Ironmaking is the art of removal the arch-enemy oxygen from iron ore by means of carbon reduction and thus producing hot metal.Steelmaking is the art of removing carbon from liquid hot metal by means of best friend pure oxygen,followed by alloying and deoxidation-where oxygen returns to be the arch-enemy.Non-metallic particles in steel such as oxides can have a detrimental effect on the steel product properties in terms of formability,strength and surface properties.An overview of the battle for clean steel production is given based on the experience of the author in industry as well as university research. Ironmaking is the art of removal the arch-enemy oxygen from iron ore by means of carbon reduction and thus producing hot metal. Steelmaking is the art of removing carbon from liquid hot metal by means of best friend pure oxygen, followed by alloying and deoxidation- where oxygen returns to be the arch-enemy. Non-metallic particles in steel such as oxides can have a detrimental effect on the steel product properties in terms of formability, strength and surface properties. Ann Overview of the battle for clean steel production is given based on the experience of the author in industry as well as university research.
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