纳米,让生活“旧貌换新颜” 继互联网、基因等名词成为人们关注的热点后,“纳米”一词也越来越多地跃入人们的眼帘,对普通百姓来说,作为十亿分之一米的纳米,这似乎既不可“望”也不可及,距离人们十分遥远。其实这是一种错觉,事实上,生活中的化妆品、涂料、食品……都可能是应用了纳米技术的产物。科学家指出,于细微处显神奇的纳米技术“润物细无声”,已经悄然进入寻常百姓的生活,渗透到了衣、食、住、行等领域。 纳米技术可使许多传统产品“旧貌换新颜”,把纳米颗粒或者纳米材料添加到传统材料中,可改进或获得一系列的
Nano, so life “old look new” Following the Internet, genes and other terms become the focus of attention, the “nano” is also more and more people’s eyes, for ordinary people, as a billion One-nanometer of the nano-scale, it seems neither “hope” can not be reached, from people very far away. In fact, this is an illusion, in fact, life cosmetics, coatings, food ... ... may be the product of the application of nanotechnology. Scientists point out that in the subtle places, the amazing nano-technology, “Minute Run,” has quietly entered the lives of ordinary people and infiltrated areas such as clothing, food, shelter and transportation. Nanotechnology can make many traditional products “look new”, the nano-particles or nano-materials added to the traditional materials can be improved or access to a series of