
来源 :抗战文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonquil1981
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郭沫若和沈从文都是著名的新文学作家,而且都是具有社会担当精神、热爱中华民族的知识分子,但抗战爆发后,他们却选择了迥异的人生道路。沈从文强调文学的价值,要求创造文学经典,反对“空头作家”。而郭沫若认为创造经典不重要,动员民众立即行动起来参加抗战才是作家/文人的当务之急。沈从文长期生活在学院体制之中,他自觉维护现代社会对人的专业分工,要求个体接受这一制度性安排。而郭沫若则把自己当成一个可以游走于多个领域的角色,尤其是民众动员,这其实跨越了现代社会对专业作家的职权限定,而迈进了政治家的活动范围。是否适应现代社会对个体分工的制度性安排,是两位作家分歧的所在。而将这一分歧置于抗战特殊语境之中,则提示我们思考危机时刻作家/知识分子的社会作用问题。 Both Guo Moruo and Shen Congwen are well-known new literary writers. They are all intellectuals who have the spirit of social responsibility and love the Chinese nation. However, after the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, they chose a very different path of life. Shen Congwen emphasized the value of literature, called for the creation of literary classics, against “short writers.” However, Guo Moruo considered it a priority for writers / writers to think that it was not important to create a classic and to mobilize the people to act immediately to participate in the war of resistance. Shen Congwen lived in the college system for a long time. He conscientiously maintained the professional division of labor in modern society and demanded that individuals accept this institutional arrangement. Guo Mo-ruo regarded himself as a person who could walk in many fields, especially the mobilization of the people. This actually crossed the limits of the authority of professional writers in modern society and advanced the range of activities of politicians. It is the disagreement between two writers whether to adapt to the institutional arrangement of individual division of labor in modern society. Putting this disagreement into the special context of the war of resistance means that we should think about the social role of writers / intellectuals in times of crisis.
三十年前地震学家们发现核幔边界之上存在分布不均的超低速区(ultralow velocity zones,简为ULVZs),通常和大低速省(large low shear velocity provinces,简为LLSVPs)紧密相
汤显祖(1550-1616),字义仍,号若士 ,江西临川人。梅鼎祚(1549-1615),字禹金,号胜乐道人,宣城人。汤显祖无疑是中国古代戏曲史上卓越的天才,梅鼎祚则是明代中后期重要的文词派
“大力恒”,名泰,字寿山(1860~1933年)。满族。北京人氏。初匀螳螂拳,属太极梅花。螳螂支派;后改习通臂,兼习太极。所习诸技皆能融会贯通,技精入化、驰名一时。 恒结交甚广,
1991年10月25日下午2点15分,在盐湖城准备与犹他州爵士队打一场赛季前表演赛时,我接到了湖人队医生迈克尔·马尔曼从洛杉机打来的电话,要我立即放弃比赛,马上赶回去。 5点40