On September 19, 2014, “AT [AT] China Contemporary Architect Creation and Sharing Forum and Guangdong Provincial Academy of Exhibitions ADG · Airport Hospital Decade (2004 ~ 2014) Exhibition” was held in Guangzhou, China. “Ten years later, Decade - Guangdong Architectural Design and Research Institute ADG Airport Design and Research Institute (2004 ~ 2014) Portfolio ”released on the same day. Deputy Chief Architect of Guangdong Institute of Architectural Design, Director of Airport Academy and Director of ADG Architectural Design Studio Chen Xiong presided over the forum as the main guest and on behalf of the Guangdong Provincial Government welcomed over a dozen chief architects and counterparts from all over the country’s well-known design institutes Participated in the academic forum, and made a presentation entitled “Ten years away, ten years of question - Guangdong Provincial Institute of ADG Airport Hospital review and outlook,” the sharing of performances