In order to reduce the vortex-induced noise effectively, the acoustic radiation of the viscous fluid is excited by the vortex-induced vibration. The Navier-Stokes equations are used to describe the fluid-structure interaction of a two-dimensional wing. The spring system is used to replace the restoring force and moment produced by the actual solid deformation. The airfoil movement is two degrees of freedom, ie perpendicular to the incoming flow oscillation and rotational oscillation In order to simulate the vortex-induced vibration, the initial angle of attack of the wing is relatively large, in order to produce periodic vortex shedding and periodic hydrodynamic force, the latter coupled with the spring system, causing vibration, using Lighthill acoustic simulation method studied by This caused by acoustic radiation. The calculation results show that when the eddy frequency and wing natural vibration frequency coincide, the phenomenon of locking occurs, the sound radiation reaches the maximum at this time.