支气管哮喘为常见的呼吸系统变态反应性疾病。其病因复杂,除接触过敏源有关外,遗传因素亦相关。我院发现一例患者家族中,支气管哮喘病人明显高于其它人群。经调查有明显的遗传性,现报道如下: 先症者男,47岁,自1岁时患支气管哮喘,每年发作1~2次,7岁时停止。1985年再次发生支气管哮喘,以后每年屡有发生。本人有抽烟嗜好,患慢性支气管炎,合并肺气肿、肺心病。每次发病用皮质激素,抗过敏药后缓解。其爱人体健,无哮喘、过敏、遗传性疾病。家族史调查:先证者之父,中年以后即有类似支气管哮喘样病症,时有发作。1968年因患高血压脑出血死亡,其爱人无哮喘病和其它过敏性疾病,1988年因惠食管癌死亡。先症者之长子体健,有2男1
Bronchial asthma is a common respiratory allergic disease. The etiology is complex, in addition to contact with allergens, genetic factors also related. In our hospital, a case of patients with bronchial asthma was found to be significantly higher than other groups. The survey has obvious hereditary, are reported as follows: first symptom of male, 47 years old, suffering from bronchial asthma at the age of 1, 1 to 2 episodes per year, stopped at 7 years of age. The recurrence of bronchial asthma in 1985, after repeated occurrences every year. I have smoking hobby, suffering from chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease. Each incidence of corticosteroids, anti-allergic drugs ease. The love of human health, no asthma, allergies, hereditary diseases. Family history survey: the father of proband, after middle age that is similar to bronchial asthma-like illness, sometimes attack. 1968 due to hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage death, his wife no asthma and other allergic diseases, died of esophageal cancer in 1988. First symptom eldest son of health, there are 2 male 1