
来源 :天然产物研究与开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:long12312
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以含硫化合物还原红曲色素,红斑素和红曲红素分子中的环羰基还原成羟基,得到水溶性红白曲黄色素.以 UV-Vis、IR和(?)H-~(13)CNMR对其结构进行了表征.该色素的吸光度随pH增大而略呈上升趋势,避光可明显提高其稳定性.除Mg~(2+)在pH9下使其溶液产生沉淀外,Sn~(2+)、Ca~(2+)、Fe~(3+)和AI~(3+)均不影响其稳定性.不同pH和温度下加热实验结果表明,酸性条件对其热稳定性影响较大. The reduction of the carbonyl groups in the monascorubrin, erythromycin and monascorubrin molecules to hydroxyl groups by the sulfur compounds resulted in the formation of water-soluble erythorbine yellow pigment.The UV-Vis, IR and (?) H- ~ (13) CNMR showed that the absorbance of the dye increased slightly with the increase of pH, and the stability of the dye was improved by the light irradiation. Except for the Mg2 + solution which precipitated at pH9, (2 +), Ca ~ (2 +), Fe ~ (3+) and AI ~ (3+) did not affect the stability.The results of heating at different pH and temperature showed that the influence of acidic conditions on the thermal stability Larger.
周六晚上7点,我终于见到了约访对象——辽宁省五一奖章获得者、沈阳市劳模、沈鼓集团转子车间的“技术大拿”马长好。原定周一采访,但厂里忙的脱不开身,一直拖到周六他才挤出时间接受采访。  按照马长好发来的微信定位,我在于洪区找到了一个上个世纪90年代建成的小区,后来听他说,这里是于洪区为配合迁来的几家大型企业,兴建的第一批配套房,很多老同志都住在这儿。  马长好领我来到他家,正好赶上他的岳母和小姨子带着