The Soviet Union’s seed selection and breeding programs greet the fortieth anniversary of the great October socialist revolution with its tremendous achievements. The achievements of the Soviet seed selection were primarily due to some fundamental changes in the biological sciences that embarked on the materialist path of development after the October Revolution. Soviet scientists began to have the freedom to follow in their work the only correct, scientific analysis and synthesis of powerful theoretical weapons - dialectical materialism, while the biological sciences are directed at helping agricultural practices for their own ends. On this soil, the theory of Michurin was successfully developed in the Soviet Union, which is the theoretical basis of agricultural biology. The Michurin doctrine has proved that it is possible to creatively control the heritability of plants and animals and to make it necessary for mankind to change. The achievements of the Michurin doctrine have confirmed the ways and methods for the selection and breeding of the Soviet Union. Soviet Union seed selection and breeding gave great achievements in a short period of time due to the theoretical principles of the theory of Michurin used in the work and by applying the methods formulated in this doctrine. Now for example as follows. Thanks to Michurin’s doctrine that plants may be domesticated and propelled to newer, more northern areas, Soviet scientists successfully tackled the crucial practical task of moving agriculture to the extreme north (within the Arctic Circle). A series of crop varieties have been bred for the first time at the Arctic Experimental Station of All-Siberian Planting Institute (in Hibinfjar) such as potato varieties: Hibino 3, Snerenka 3, Imedera