Beginning with the first issue of Journal in 2007, we will add the sub-section “My Homework” to the “New Showcase” section. Assignments and works may have different connotations in the course. Assignments are often subject-oriented, quality-conscious and subject to certain disciplines and practices. The degree of freedom of the work is relatively large, the capacity is bigger, this can only be a general distinction. Journal should be close to the students, the students tend to work most of the current class of students “true” face, showing the “true” face of the class, but also best to show some true state of students and mood. This is a bit similar to the calligraphy jianzha, indeed a lot less deliberate, a little more natural affection. At the end of the course, many students are moved and lamented when assigning a grade to a student’s homework assignments. Students are addicted to doing homework, showing talent in homework, subtle mental and ingenuity in work, homework Unique, unimaginable effects will make the teacher feel real satisfaction. We are here to invite every teacher in the class, and every student will make a “scout” who is determined to find “good homework” and recommends good assignments so that our publications will flow true, natural and subtle, The students’ abilities are overflowing between the pictures in the column.