
来源 :病虫测报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meiaihui
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桃小食心虫(Carposina niponensis)在甘肃苹果产区广泛分布,且为害相当严重。长期以来,对此虫的防治多依赖于化学农药,但由于在5—7月份降雨量不同,成虫羽化时间差异较大,很难掌握防治适期,从而常盲目喷药,造成效果不佳,浪费较大。我们于1986—1988年,在礼县永兴乡进行了桃小食心虫性信息素的测报应用研究,并在测报指导下开展大田药剂防治,收到了显著的效果。现将结果整理如下。一、材料和方法1.1986—1988年所应用的性信息素诱蕊为辽宁营口市石油化工研究所生产,其载体为反口橡胶塞,蕊高14mm,大头空心,高 Carposina niponensis is widely distributed in apple producing areas of Gansu Province, and the damage is quite serious. For a long time, the prevention and treatment of this insecticide mostly depends on chemical pesticides. However, due to the different precipitation in May-July, the emergence time of adults is quite different, so it is difficult to grasp the appropriate period of prevention and control, Wasting a lot. In 1986-1988, we conducted a survey on the application of pheromone sex pheromones in Yongxing Township, Lixian County, and conducted field drug control under the guidance of the newspaper. We have received remarkable results. The results are now organized as follows. I. Materials and Methods 1. The sex pheromone lure used in 1986-1988 was produced by Yingkou Petrochemical Research Institute of Liaoning Province. Its carrier was anti-rubber stopper with 14mm core height, hollow head and high
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