How to quickly and effectively create a qualified social citizen? One of the countermeasures for primary and secondary schools in the United States is to set up a “Civic Education Courses”. According to the New York Times, under the influence of the 200th anniversary of the enactment of the U.S. constitution in 1986, the American primary and secondary schools have started an upsurge of learning the guidelines of the U.S. administration and democratic society. In the past, those abstract and tedious moral education No longer favored by people. On the contrary, primary and secondary school students have electives of “Legal Courses” and “Civic Education Courses”; from the fall of 1988, graduating students from all primary and secondary schools in New York State have to attend one semester of “Participation in Administration” and the like Civic education curriculum, which focuses on activities such as mock trial; California Commission of Education proposed and set up a civic education course integrating social civic and democratic principles - social studies for kindergarten Children and even 12th grade students.