2014德国汉诺威工业博览会(HANNOVER MESSE)即将于2014年4月7~11日,在德国汉诺威国际展览中心隆重举行。届时,英威腾将携全系列产品盛装出席,全面展示在工业自动化和能源电力领域的创新产品和行业解决方案。作为世界规模最大的工业博览会,HANNOVER MESSE(汉诺威工业博览会)荟萃了各个工业领域的技术,引领着世界工业的创新与发展,被认为是联系全世界技术领域和商业领域的重要国际活动,成为名副其实的“世界工业发展的晴雨表”。
2014 HANNOVER MESSE is taking place from April 7 to April 11, 2014 at the Hannover Messe. By then, INVT will bring a full range of products to attend the full range of products in the field of industrial automation and energy and innovative products and industry solutions. As the largest industrial fair in the world, HANNOVER MESSE (Hannover Messe) brings together technology in various industrial fields to lead the innovation and development of the world’s industry and is considered to be a veritable international event that connects technology and commerce in the world “Barometer of World Industrial Development ”.