1 引言 所称“总控 (15DZ)、机控 (16DZ)跳闸”(以下称“总控跳闸”或“机控跳闸”)是指该型机车在通电加负载的情况下 ,因负载电流过大或电路发生短路时 ,所引起的保护装置作用的断路故障。这种故障常发生在机车的控制电路 ,且发生时又比较突然 ,往往给人以措手不及。
1 INTRODUCTION The so-called “master control (15DZ), machine-controlled (16DZ) trip” (hereinafter referred to as “master control trip” or “machine controlled trip”) means that when the locomotive is powered on and loaded, Large or circuit short circuit, the protection device caused by the opening fault. This failure often occurs in the locomotive control circuit, and when it happened more suddenly, often give people a surprise.