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为推进专业化统防统治和绿色防控有机融合,探索病虫防控低碳、环保、可持续发展新模式,提高保障农业生产、农产品质量、生态环境安全能力,农业部种植业管理司3月14日印发《农作物病虫专业化统防统治与绿色防控融合试点方案》,决定今年组织开展农作物专业化统防统治与绿色防控融合试点,以全国100个专业化统防统治示范县和100个绿色防控示范区为主,建立218个示范基地,率先示范,积累经验,逐步推广。《农作物病虫专业化统防统治与绿色防控融合试点方案》主要内容如下:一、总体思路坚持“预防为主、综合防治”的植保方针,树立“公共植保、绿色植保、科学植保”理念,以全国专业化统防统治示范县和绿色防控示范区为重点,依靠科技进步,加大扶持力度,统筹协调推进,大力开展统防统治与绿色防控有机融合,探索病虫 In order to promote the organic integration of specialization, prevention and control, and green prevention and control, explore new modes of pest control and prevention and control of low-carbon, environmental protection and sustainable development, and improve the ability to guarantee agricultural production, agricultural product quality and ecological environment, the Plantation Management Division of the Ministry of Agriculture3 The Pilot Program on Integration of Integrated Prevention and Control of Crop Diseases and Insects and Green Control in Crops and Pests was issued on the 14th of this month and it was decided that a pilot program of integration and prevention of green crops and integration of green prevention and control will be organized this year. With 100 pilot special demonstration areas And 100 green prevention and control demonstration zones, establishing 218 demonstration bases, taking the lead in demonstrating and accumulating experience, and gradually promoting them. The main contents of “Pilot Program of Integrated Prevention and Control of Pests and Diseases by Crops and Pests and Integration of Green Prevention and Control” are as follows: I. Overall thinking Adhere to the principle of “prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control” and establish a “public plant protection, green plant protection and science Plant Protection ”concept, focusing on the national demonstration area for professional unified prevention and control and the green prevention and control demonstration area, relying on scientific and technological progress, increasing support and coordinating and promoting, vigorously carry out the organic integration of prevention and control with prevention and control of green and explore the disease insect
事情发生在四川某研究所炭黑车间。 有一次一位工人要给乙炔发生器加电石。刚打开盖子,立刻“轰”的一声,乙炔发生器爆炸了,将操作工人的脸部和手部烧伤。因为这位工人爱抽烟
当你到矿山、工厂、工地、林场、油井各处参观时,常看到作业工人戴着各种不同材质、不同颜色、不同形状的安全帽吧!别看这小小安全帽,它也有自己的发展过程哩! 说来有趣,安全
一本有关制度研究的书中提到,制度的最高境界是习惯,“当我们能自觉自愿,不要强迫就遵守制度与规则了,那么,文明素质就真提高了,社会自然而然就和谐了。在秩序中享受自由,在自由中遵守秩序,那是一个全新的境界”。我由衷地认同这句话。作为幼儿园的管理者,多年来,我对幼儿园制度建设作了较深入的研究,始终坚持用改革的勇气与实践的智慧,在幼儿园营造良好的制度文化环境,让完善制度成为习惯。  一、让制度的变革成为园
10月17日,香港Tandberg Data Asia公司正式推出全新MLR15~(1/4(?))QIC磁带机,其13GB原有容量及快速数据传输,为同业设立磁带机性能新标准.运用光进的多通道写录技术(Multi-ch