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从事公路运输作业的小四轮拖拉机“吃轮胎”即后轮胎人字花纹隔花磨损严重是驾驶员比较头痛的故障.这个故障主要是由于机组的偏牵引或偏驱动造成的,下面谈谈造成“吃轮胎”的三个主要原因及消除方法.1.单轴拖车牵引三角形不等腰即拖车牵引鼻中心到拖车两轮轴中心距离不等造成机组偏牵引.这种情况多发生于自制拖车或旧拖车机组上.消除方法是测量校正拖车牵引鼻心到拖车两轮外缘中心的两个最短距离应该相等(相当于测量到拖车两轮轴中心的距离相等),拖车是靠这个等腰三角形来保证“三正”的.轴正,拖车轴与牵引中心线垂直;胎正,两轮胎到牵引中心线的距离相等,没有窜轴现象;鼻子正,拖车牵引鼻中心在拖车牵引中心线上.这样即可解决机组偏牵引问题.实践表明拖车牵引三角形短腰一侧的后轮磨损较其它几个轮胎快得多. A small four-wheeled tractor that is engaged in road transport operations, “Eating a Tire,” that is, a serious wear and tear of the rear tire’s flower pattern, is a driver’s headache fault, which is mainly caused by partial traction or partial drive of the unit. Three main reasons for “eating tires” and ways to eliminate them.1.The unilateral tractor towing triangle unequal waist traction center of the tow nose to the center of the tow axle center caused by partial traction unit.This situation occurred in homemade trailer or Old towing unit, the elimination method is to measure and correct the towing nose of the towing trailer to the center of two rounds of the towing vehicle, the two shortest distances should be equal (equivalent to measuring the distance between two towing axle centers), and the towing vehicle relies on this isosceles triangle The shaft is positive and the towing axle is perpendicular to the traction center line. The distance between the tire and the traction center line is the same, there is no channeling shaft phenomenon. The nose and trailer traction nose center are on the towing centerline of the trailer. In this way, the problem of partial traction of the unit can be solved, and the practice shows that the rear wheel on the short side of the towing triangle of the trailer is more wear-resistant than the other several tires.
◆换个角度    如果想做一棵大树  张建伟  听有曲折经历的人演讲实在是一件令人欢欣的事,一席话,几十年,人生智慧,蕴藏其中。他的经历让我特别有感触,忍不住想和朋友们分享。  他说,小时侯,他的家境特别殷实,父亲的朋友也很多。所以,上学的时候,尽管他的学习成绩很一般,可是,从小学到中学,再到一所著名的大学,都一帆风顺。毕业后,顺利进入一家很有名气的公司,很快升迁,又很快辞职,自办公司,不几年公司
表意新颖的个性化语言常常会令文章大放异彩,牢牢抓住读者的注意力。此类语言充满智慧,寓意蕴藉,耐人玩味。采取这种表达方式也有很多技巧。 The novel and personalized la
从原始人钻木取火,到爱迪生发明电灯;从古老的甲骨文字,到走进千家万户的电脑;从人们站在地面上数星星,到乘坐宇宙飞船遨游太空……我们深深懂得了:有了科技,人类的生产和生活方式才有了改变;有了科技,我们的生活才会变得绚丽多彩;有了科技,人类社会的发展才会日新月异。  在这次活动课中,你将了解到著名科学家的故事,领略到现代科技的魅力,还可以畅谈你对科学的感受,设想科技发展的美好前景……    科学家的故
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我的座位在最后一排,挨着窗户。不想听课时,我的思想就随着目光跃出窗外,在院子里和操场上游荡,有时还飘得更远,闯进低矮的村舍,钻入茂密的树林,越 My seat is in the last