Case description 52-year-old man with mental retardation, admitted to hospital for chest pain for the first time. Thrombophlebitis was diagnosed 6 years ago and warfarin was started. One electrocardiogram 2 years before admission showed obsolete anterior myocardial infarction. Seven months before admission due to chest pain treatment, progressive exercise dyspnea, with Di Gexin symptoms improved. A few days before admission abdominal circumference increases, bleeding will be. Chest pain recurrence on the day of admission. Patients smoke for many years, the number is unknown. Have a long history of abuse of alcohol. Body temperature 36.7 ℃, pulse 120 / min, breathing 22 / min, blood pressure 130 / 70mmHg. Physical examination: Obese men, slight dyspnea, spider nevus. Auscultation of the chest with wheeze, both sides of the lungs have a small amount of rales. Heart without expansion