在西餐中,开胃小吃(或称头道菜)应能刺激食欲,使就餐者在正菜上来之前就喜形于色,胃口大开。 开胃小吃一般可分为两类:一类是为迎合下道菜的精致而量少的小菜;另一类是旨在缓解辘辘饥肠的花俏漂亮的点心。无论是小菜或点心,都有一非常重要的准则,就是当首位客人到达时,这些开胃小吃应已准备就绪,随时可以上桌。如果男主人或女主人在出来迎接一下客人后又立即钻进厨房去忙碌,变成看不见的主人,那就没有比这更糟糕的事了。 另一点是开胃小吃应能保持到姗姗来迟的末批客人到达的时候。也即开胃小吃留在桌上时应该是不会变冷、不会融化或不会变质的东西。 够标准的开胃小吃有奶油沙司、色拉、冷汤,以及90年代流行的鱼肉香菇馅饼等。下面介绍一些开胃小
In Western food, appetizers (or first dish) should be able to stimulate appetite, so that the diners in the dish before they come in a shape, appetite. Appetizers can generally be divided into two categories: one is to cater to the finest and the least amount of side dishes; the other is designed to alleviate the fancy fancy snacks. There is a very important rule whether it is a side dish or snack, that is, when the first guests arrive, the appetizers should be ready and ready to serve. If the man or hostess came out to meet the guests and then immediately into the kitchen to busy, into an invisible master, then there is no worse than this. Another point is that appetizers should be kept until the late arrivals arrive. That is, appetizers should stay on the table should not be cold, will not melt or will not degenerate things. Enough standard appetizers have cream sauce, salad, cold soup, as well as the 90’s popular fish mushroom pie. Here are some appetizers