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Slow evaporation method was used to grow pure and KCl (10 mol%) doped KAP single crystal. The solubility and metastable zone width of aqueous solutions of pure
The purpose of the study was to establish the structure of monitored animal farms and determine reproductive parameters of Sahelian goats in the Guera Region, i
Hendijan oilfield is located on Northwest of Pesian Gulf offshore of Iran and geologically in the Dezful embayment. In this study, the paleosedimentary depositi
At present, carry-over research in mycotoxins experiences a change in focus. We reviewed the state-of-art knowledge regarding carry-over in aflatoxins, ochratox
Juvenile landlocked Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) (mean ± SD initial weight 2.6 ± 0.7 g, fork length 6.3 ± 0.5) were reared in three
一、香豉:又称豆豉,以大豆为原料,经过加工制作成为颗粒润黑、味香而甜的食品,是佐膳一味,亦可用于烹饪各种菜肴时的调味。  豆豉的加工制作比较简单。将粒大整齐的黄豆或黑豆过筛,除去沙土杂质,清水冲洗干净后,用冷水浸泡3 h,以豆粒表皮无皱纹为度。然后撇去浮面的杂质,捞出沥干水分,置于蒸桶内,用旺火蒸至上大汽后,把桶盖盖上,继续蒸2 h,并将桶内的豆子上下翻动,再加盖蒸2 h即可。蒸熟的豆粒能用手捏成
目的 探讨不同喂养方式对极低出生体质量儿喂养耐受性以及胃泌素水平的影响.方法 60例极低出生体质量儿按照入院先后顺序分为2组.对照组给予持续鼻饲喂养,观察组运用间断鼻饲
Background: Animal studies have demonstrated that iron may be related to carcinogenesis, and human studies found that heme iron can increase the formation of Nn