日子在净水花园中流淌 社区经济持续发展

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打场子。收割后将所有的青稞堆起来,拉到房前屋后放在打场上(粘土硬化或用石板铺出来的地面),成堆地晾晒。进入冬季,等青稞等晒干,就可以进入第二道工序——打场子。打场子现在一般是几家一起用脱粒机,把青稞等和秸秆碎片分离(青稞是不去壳的,过去只有所谓藏族高等糌粑是去壳的,现在越来越认识到不去皮更健康)。过去没有机器,将青稞等铺场地上,用牦牛、黄牛、马匹等这些牲畜用绳子串起来,人牵住里边的牛转小圈,外边的牛转大圈,不停地踩青稞。一般年轻的牛在外边,年纪大的在里边。用牲畜的蹄子把谷粒踩出来的秸秆比较碎,作为冬季牲畜的草适口性非常好,牛羊喜欢吃自己踩出来的这种秸秆,不过对牛羊的体力消耗很大,掉膘。图中还有村民在打油菜籽。一般将青稞、豌豆、油菜三种一块播种,基本上同时成熟,一块收割。把谷物和秸秆分离出以后,通过鼓风机或自然风分离。使用不同网眼的筛子把青稞、豌豆和颗粒很小的油菜籽分离出来。将青稞和油菜和豌豆一块播种是有科学道理的(虽然百姓说不出来),豌豆可以固氮,和青稞混播,来年土壤有机肥和腐殖质要比单种青稞的地要好得多。@Daniel Taylor Playing field. After harvesting, heap up all the bristles and pull them to the front of the room and put them on the playing field (the ground hardened by clay or paved with stone slabs) and dry them in piles. Into the winter, such as barley and other dried, you can enter the second process - playing field. Playing field is now generally together with a few thresher, the barley and straw debris separation (barley is not shelled, in the past only the so-called Tibetan higher scabies is hulled, and now more and more aware of not more healthy skin ). In the past there was no machine. The yak, cattle, horses and other livestock were put on the paved ground with barley. People dragged the cows in the small circle and the cows outside the circle continued to step on the barley. The young cow is outside and the older is inside. The stalks of cereal stalks are shredded from the hoofs of livestock, and the grass used as winter livestock is very palatable. Cattle and sheep like to eat their own stalks, but their stamina consumes a great deal and falls. The villagers also play rapeseed. General barley, peas, rapeseed three kinds of planting, basically at the same time mature, a harvest. After the grain and straw are separated, they are separated by a blower or natural wind. Use different mesh sieves to separate barley, peas and small rapeseed. Sowing barley with rapeseed and pea is scientific (although the population can not tell), peas can be nitrogen-fixing, and barley mixed. In the coming year, soil organic manure and humus are much better than single barley. @Daniel Taylor
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