【摘 要】
Illustrated science, microscopic things, insight into the wonderful world! From ignorant curiosity to play science, only one book! Editors: This series of beautiful HD picture, profile and various details of the map, multi-angle, multi Side-by-side diagrams, and concise and vivid language that describes the universe, evolution and genetics, mammals, birds, rocks and minerals and other fields of knowledge. Exquisite pictures in the book amazing, fascinating, text description is concise, clear, easy to understand and master. The book comes with glossaries and indexes to help quickly find points of interest.
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加拿大滑铁卢大学(Waterloo University)化工系Robert Y.M.Huang教授应中国自然科学基金委员会邀请于1993年10月9日来华访问。10月9日~16日在京期间,Huang教授在清华大学化工