作为一个白领,你也许已经熟谙守时、逢迎等办公室生存之道。但,时间砺真金呀,每天的谨小慎微,充其量只能勉强保住饭碗,如何能在意气风发的大好年华里实现梦想,出人头地?下面的九大绝招望你细心揣摩,合理利用。 千纸鹤 一张手写的字条,绝对能让你从人堆中凸现出精彩个性。 赶快动手,在一些小纸片上写一些感谢祝贺赞美之类的言辞,悄悄送到别人桌子上,既热情友好,又不会显得过于郑重其事。 我看着你的眼睛 当上司在会上发言时,你要紧紧追随着他的专注眼神,毫无疑问这会默默使他对你产生好感。不管是一对一的单独交谈还是高层云集的例会,请试着将脑袋微倾,不时地与发言者进行数秒的视线接触。
As a white-collar workers, you may already be familiar with punctuality, greetings and other office survival. However, the time really Jin Yeah, cautious every day, at best, barely able to keep their jobs, how can the ambitious Magnificent Dreams realize their dreams come out? The following nine trick you look carefully, rational use. Paper cranes a handwritten note, absolutely allows you to highlight from the pile of wonderful personality. Hurry up and write some thank-you greetings and congratulations on some small pieces of paper and quietly send them to someone else’s table, both warm and friendly, but not too serious. I look at your eyes When the boss speaks at the meeting, you should follow closely his eyesight, no doubt it will silently make him feel good about you. Whether it’s a one-to-one solo conversation or a high-level regular meeting, try slightly tilting your head and making a few seconds of eye contact with the speaker from time to time.