我们于1990年9月至1991年9月,举办“家长卫生知识培训班”,以通过家长卫生教育来提高学生卫生知识水平并对其效果作了评价。1 观察对象和方法1.1 观察对象选择杭州市潮呜小学二、三、四年级,每个年级2个班,共6个班,对每班自愿参加“家长学校”的10名家长(共60名),进行卫生知识培训,其子女作为观察组,观察组学生共60人,其中女28人,男32人。在
From September 1990 to September 1991, we organized “Parents Health Knowledge Training Course” to improve students’ hygiene knowledge and evaluate their effectiveness through parent health education. 1 Subjects and Methods 1.1 Subjects of Observation The second, third and fourth grades of Hangzhou Huohoo Primary School were selected. There were 6 classes in each grade, with a total of 6 classes. A total of 10 parents (60 in total ), Health knowledge training, their children as observation group, observation group a total of 60 students, of whom 28 were women and 32 men. in