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原料: 青菜10棵蝦仁4 1/2盎司生肥膘1/3盎司蛋清1隻紹酒1/2茶匙精鹽3/10茶匙味精3/10茶匙薑末1/2茶匙乾澱粉2茶匙水冬菇10個熟火腿1/3盎司雞湯5盎司濕澱粉1/2茶匙植物油5茶匙制法: 一將青菜剝去外皮,留菜芯,洗净菜葉,取二寸半長的菜芯帶菜葉一剖兩片,成二十片。二、將蝦仁、生肥膘分別斬茸,加蛋清、薑末、紹酒四分之一茶匙、精鹽八分之一茶匙、味精八分之一茶匙、乾澱粉四分之一茶匙,攪拌成蝦茸,將蕄N乾澱粉撒在菜芯的橫斷面上,然後将蝦茸分二十份,分放在上面(中間鼓起),邊緣抹平,成“知了身”。三、將水冬菇改刀成一寸半長的橢圆形片,共四十片,分別貼在青菜芯成翅膀,將冬菇切成小黑點(眼),貼在菜芯前部,將黑冬菇、紅火腿、綠菜葉切成三分長細絲横貼在兩翅之間成翅身。 Ingredients: Greens 10 shrimps 4 1/2 ounces fat 1/3 ounces egg white 1 Shaoxing wine 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/10 teaspoons MSG 3/10 teaspoons ginger 1/2 teaspoons dried starch 2 teaspoons water mushrooms 10 Cooked ham 1/3 ounce chicken soup 5 ounces wet starch 1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil 5 teaspoons Method: a will be peeled off the skin cabbage, leave the dish core, wash the leaves, take two-inch half a dish of vegetable leaves with a Cut two, into twenty. Second, the shrimp, fat fat were chopped respectively, add egg white, ginger, a quarter teaspoon Shaoxing wine, salt, one-eighth teaspoon, one eighth teaspoon of MSG, a quarter of dry starch teaspoon, stir into Shrimp Velvet, Nang N dry starch sprinkled in the cross section of the vegetable core, and then shrimp and velvet points twenty points, points on the top (middle muster), smooth edges, as “know the body.” Third, the water mushrooms into an inch and a half oval-shaped piece, a total of forty, were affixed to the core of vegetables into the wings, the mushrooms cut into small black spots (eyes), paste the front of the core, the black Mushrooms, red ham, green leaf cut into three long filaments cross between the two wings into the wings.
这是陕西省發掘的唐代宮廷菜,傳說是唐明皇的宠妃杨貴妃喜欢吃的一味菜。原料: 野鴨脯肉10盎司(300克) 荔枝(罐頭) 15个腌鸭肉用料: 紹酒3茶匙精鹽1茶匙鷄蛋清半个玉米粉1茶
原料:鲅鱼一条1000克左右,油500克(实耗400克),精盐5克,酱油400克,味精、料酒、姜、葱各适量. Raw materials: a piece of mandarin fish about 1000 grams, 500 grams of
这是台湾的一道便当菜,富含营养,易消化吸收,极适于儿童食用. This is a Taiwanese lunchbox, rich in nutrition, easy to digest and absorb, very suitable for childre
Bibliotheca公司是一家经营RFID技术的企业,为全球1 000多家图书馆提供开源的RFID解决方案。Auraria图书馆服务于三所学院,包括美国科罗拉多州丹佛大学、丹佛大都会州立学院
“东南泰皇宫酒家”坐落于曼谷东南方的叻差喃蒂大马路边.凡是到泰国来的外国旅客,几乎每一个人都会被好客的泰国朋友请到东南泰皇宫酒家,去品尝地道的泰国菜. “Southeast
這是內蒙古的地方風味菜。原料: 綿羊尾2盎司(50克) 蛋清6個芝麻仁1湯匙山楂糕(或帶酸味的果醬) 10茶匙白糖5盎司(150克) 麵粉2湯匙玉米粉5湯匙植物油4杯(1000毫升),實耗約2
汽鍋鷄是中國西南部雲南省的名菜。它是利用汽鍋內的蒸餾水作爲湯汁,蒸製而成,故能保存雞肉的營養和鮮味。如無汽鍋,亦可用小砂鍋代替,製成砂鍋雞。原料: 嫩母鷄肉(或肉鷄肉