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许多种木材应用高温乾燥程序,能大大地强化乾燥过程。但是应当考虑到提高温度在任何程度上都会降低木材的强度。高温乾燥程序能减低木材的吸湿性,提高木材在多变的自然条件中的稳定性;在针叶成材乾燥的同时,树脂发生局部聚合作用,因此就防止了树脂在成品表面上分泌的可 Many kinds of wood application of high temperature drying program, can greatly enhance the drying process. However, it should be considered that raising the temperature will reduce the strength of the wood to any degree. High-temperature drying procedures can reduce the hygroscopicity of wood and improve the stability of wood in changing natural conditions; while the softwood is dried, the resin undergoes partial polymerization and thus prevents the resin from being secreted on the surface of the finished product
初冬的午后,阳光慵懒地洒在路面上,来往的路人放慢了脚步,惬意的享受这宁静温暖的时刻。这里是济南洪家楼的天主教堂,庄严中透着神圣,肃穆中渗着柔和。 Early winter aftern
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央视著名主持人鞠萍曾鼓励青少年:“动起来,更精彩!”笔者认为这句话同样适用于英语教学。一堂好的英语课就像一支动人的乐曲,有前奏、铺垫、高潮、尾声,让人回味无穷。如何科学地把握45分钟,有效组织教学,让学生“动”起来,让课堂“活”起来,让效果“好”起来,使学生快乐地获取知识,轻松地提高英语素质呢?笔者认为,关键在于创设轻松活跃的课堂氛围,调动学生的学习兴趣。  新课程标准强调英语课程要从培养学习兴趣
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