[中图分类号]R473.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]2096-5249(2021)07-008-02
Application of predictive nursing in emergency patients with acute heart failure
WEI Jing(Nanjing Gaochun People’s Hospital, Nanjing Jiangsu 211300, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To study and analyze the effect of predictive nursing in the emergency patients with acute heart failure. Methods: Among the emergency patients with acute heart failure admitted in our hospital from October 2018 to September 2019, 52 cases were selected as the study object. The patients were divided into group A and group B, who received routine nursing and predictive nursing respectively. The rescue time, success rate and satisfaction of the two groups were compared. Results: The rescue time of group B was shorter than that of group A(P<0.05), and the rescue success rate and satisfaction were higher than that of group A(P<0.05). Conclusions: The implementation of predictive nursing in the emergency patients with acute heart failure can significantly shorten the rescue time, promote the success rate of rescue, further improve the patient satisfaction, and has a high clinical practical value.
[Key words] Predictive nursing; acute heart failure; emergency nursing; application effect
1 资料与方法
1.1一般资料 在我院于2018年10月至2019年9月收治的急性心力衰竭急诊患者中,选取52例作为本次的研究对象。将其分为A组与B组,分别接受了常规护理和预见性护理,各26例患者。A组:男性10例,女性16例,年龄52~73岁,平均年龄(62.85±5.46)岁。B组:男性12例,女性14例,年龄51~72岁,平均年龄(62.36±5.12)岁。对比两组患者的一般资料,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),可进一步展开比较。
1.2方法 A组采用常规护理,包括急救仪器准备、准备相关手术器械、配合医生进行救治、检测生命体征等。B组在常规护理基础上给予患者整体护理。患者入院后,立即为其安排急诊室和抢救室,并根据其病情、既往病史、年龄、性别等进行护理评估。如果患者处于意识不清状态,需控制患者躯体,避免出现不良动作;如果患者意识清楚,立即安抚患者情绪,指导患者呼吸得以放松,待其情绪稳定后,告知其配合急诊、救治的重要性。保持急诊室、抢救室内安静,密切配合医生操作[3]。对患者在救治过程中的情况进行观察和记录,以便及时将患者异常状况向医生报告而采取有效处理措施。在抢救完成后,监测患者生命体征,给予其酸碱、水电解质改善,做好不良症状预防工作。若患者处于清醒状态,及时告知患者病情控制情况、后续治疗方式,同时给予患者心理安抚,以稳定其情绪[4]。随后,向患者家属说明患者情况,给予患者家属心理干预和健康教育,告知其相关注意事项,鼓励患者家属给予患者充足的情感支持。减少探视,保证患者充足的休息时间[5]。
1.3观察指标 统计两组患者的抢救时间和成功例数。满意度:采用自制问卷表,≥90分为满意,80~89分为一般,<80分为不满意。满意和一般均计入总满意。 1.4統计学方法 用SPSS21.0分析,计量资料以x±s表示,经t检验,计数资料经c2检验,以%表示,差异有统计学意义为P<0.05。
2 结果
结果显示,A组与的抢救时间分别是(65.75±13.39) min、(51.27±11.68)min;抢救成功率分别是96.15%(25例)、88.46%(23例);总满意度分别是92.31%(24例)、80.77%(21例)。B组的抢救时间短于A组(t=4.155,P<0.05),且抢救成功率和满意度均高于A组(c2=4.167、c2=5.714,P<0.05)。详见表1。
3 讨论
[1] 雷秋月. 分析预见性护理在脑出血急性期中的应用效果[J]. 中国医药指南, 2019, 17(14): 266-267.
[2] scar Miró, Tost J , Herrero P , et al. Short-term predictive capacity of two different triage systems in patients with acute heart failure: TRICA-EAHFE study. [J]. European Journal of Emergency Medicine Official Journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 2016, 23(6): 435.
[3] 原俊玲. 急性心力衰竭患者急诊救治的临床分析[J]. 中外医疗, 2018, 37(24): 40-42.
[4] Francisco Javier Martín-Sánchez, Triana F C , Rossello X , et al. Effect of risk of malnutrition on 30-day mortality among older patients with acute heart failure in Emergency Departments[J]. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 2019, 65: 69-77.
[5] scar Miró, Levy P D , Mckel M , et al. Disposition of emergency department patients diagnosed with acute heart failure: an international emergency medicine perspective. [J]. European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2016, 24(1): 2.
[6] Doering A , Jenkins C A , Storrow A B , et al. Markers of diuretic resistance in emergency department patients with acute heart failure[J]. International Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2017, 10(1): 17.
[7] Rongli L , Xiaochao D , Yanmei Z , et al. Observation on the Application Effect of Intensive Care High-Quality Nursing Intervention for Patients with Acute Heart Failure[J]. Clinical Medicine & Engineering, 2019.
[8] Xi Z , Emergency D O . Effect of full-time stratified nursing care on emergency nursing care of patients with acute heart failure[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2019.
[9] Roncalli J , Picard F , Delarche N , et al. Predictive criteria for acute heart failure in emergency department patients with acute dyspnoea: the PREDICA study[J]. European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2019, 26.
[中图分类号]R473.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]2096-5249(2021)07-008-02
Application of predictive nursing in emergency patients with acute heart failure
WEI Jing(Nanjing Gaochun People’s Hospital, Nanjing Jiangsu 211300, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To study and analyze the effect of predictive nursing in the emergency patients with acute heart failure. Methods: Among the emergency patients with acute heart failure admitted in our hospital from October 2018 to September 2019, 52 cases were selected as the study object. The patients were divided into group A and group B, who received routine nursing and predictive nursing respectively. The rescue time, success rate and satisfaction of the two groups were compared. Results: The rescue time of group B was shorter than that of group A(P<0.05), and the rescue success rate and satisfaction were higher than that of group A(P<0.05). Conclusions: The implementation of predictive nursing in the emergency patients with acute heart failure can significantly shorten the rescue time, promote the success rate of rescue, further improve the patient satisfaction, and has a high clinical practical value.
[Key words] Predictive nursing; acute heart failure; emergency nursing; application effect
1 资料与方法
1.1一般资料 在我院于2018年10月至2019年9月收治的急性心力衰竭急诊患者中,选取52例作为本次的研究对象。将其分为A组与B组,分别接受了常规护理和预见性护理,各26例患者。A组:男性10例,女性16例,年龄52~73岁,平均年龄(62.85±5.46)岁。B组:男性12例,女性14例,年龄51~72岁,平均年龄(62.36±5.12)岁。对比两组患者的一般资料,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),可进一步展开比较。
1.2方法 A组采用常规护理,包括急救仪器准备、准备相关手术器械、配合医生进行救治、检测生命体征等。B组在常规护理基础上给予患者整体护理。患者入院后,立即为其安排急诊室和抢救室,并根据其病情、既往病史、年龄、性别等进行护理评估。如果患者处于意识不清状态,需控制患者躯体,避免出现不良动作;如果患者意识清楚,立即安抚患者情绪,指导患者呼吸得以放松,待其情绪稳定后,告知其配合急诊、救治的重要性。保持急诊室、抢救室内安静,密切配合医生操作[3]。对患者在救治过程中的情况进行观察和记录,以便及时将患者异常状况向医生报告而采取有效处理措施。在抢救完成后,监测患者生命体征,给予其酸碱、水电解质改善,做好不良症状预防工作。若患者处于清醒状态,及时告知患者病情控制情况、后续治疗方式,同时给予患者心理安抚,以稳定其情绪[4]。随后,向患者家属说明患者情况,给予患者家属心理干预和健康教育,告知其相关注意事项,鼓励患者家属给予患者充足的情感支持。减少探视,保证患者充足的休息时间[5]。
1.3观察指标 统计两组患者的抢救时间和成功例数。满意度:采用自制问卷表,≥90分为满意,80~89分为一般,<80分为不满意。满意和一般均计入总满意。 1.4統计学方法 用SPSS21.0分析,计量资料以x±s表示,经t检验,计数资料经c2检验,以%表示,差异有统计学意义为P<0.05。
2 结果
结果显示,A组与的抢救时间分别是(65.75±13.39) min、(51.27±11.68)min;抢救成功率分别是96.15%(25例)、88.46%(23例);总满意度分别是92.31%(24例)、80.77%(21例)。B组的抢救时间短于A组(t=4.155,P<0.05),且抢救成功率和满意度均高于A组(c2=4.167、c2=5.714,P<0.05)。详见表1。
3 讨论
[1] 雷秋月. 分析预见性护理在脑出血急性期中的应用效果[J]. 中国医药指南, 2019, 17(14): 266-267.
[2] scar Miró, Tost J , Herrero P , et al. Short-term predictive capacity of two different triage systems in patients with acute heart failure: TRICA-EAHFE study. [J]. European Journal of Emergency Medicine Official Journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 2016, 23(6): 435.
[3] 原俊玲. 急性心力衰竭患者急诊救治的临床分析[J]. 中外医疗, 2018, 37(24): 40-42.
[4] Francisco Javier Martín-Sánchez, Triana F C , Rossello X , et al. Effect of risk of malnutrition on 30-day mortality among older patients with acute heart failure in Emergency Departments[J]. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 2019, 65: 69-77.
[5] scar Miró, Levy P D , Mckel M , et al. Disposition of emergency department patients diagnosed with acute heart failure: an international emergency medicine perspective. [J]. European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2016, 24(1): 2.
[6] Doering A , Jenkins C A , Storrow A B , et al. Markers of diuretic resistance in emergency department patients with acute heart failure[J]. International Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2017, 10(1): 17.
[7] Rongli L , Xiaochao D , Yanmei Z , et al. Observation on the Application Effect of Intensive Care High-Quality Nursing Intervention for Patients with Acute Heart Failure[J]. Clinical Medicine & Engineering, 2019.
[8] Xi Z , Emergency D O . Effect of full-time stratified nursing care on emergency nursing care of patients with acute heart failure[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2019.
[9] Roncalli J , Picard F , Delarche N , et al. Predictive criteria for acute heart failure in emergency department patients with acute dyspnoea: the PREDICA study[J]. European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2019, 26.