Buffer structure optimization of the photoacoustic cell for trace gas detection

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhenry123
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The equivalent four-pole network model is used to simulate one-dimension longitudinal acoustic resonator with different buffer diameters and lengths, aiming to reach a theoretic model which is able to estimate the optimal buffer geometry. In experiments, the buffer volumes are decreased gradually by filling a set of aluminum rings with different inner diameters and lengths into the buffers to get the desired dimensions. The experimental results show that the average deviation of 1.1% is obtained between the experimental results and the theoretical simulation at the buffer length of 30 mm. Experiments show that the minimum background signal occurs when the buffer length is equal to a quarter of the acoustic wavelength (λ/4). The amplitude of the photoacoustic signal is barely influenced when dbuf>3dres. Considering that oversize of photoacoustic cell needs more measuring gas and more material, the buffer diameter can be deduced to dbuf≈3dres. Therefore, smaller photoacoustic cell is desirable. The equivalent four-pole network model is used to simulate one-dimension longitudinal acoustic resonator with different buffer diameters and lengths, aiming to reach a theoretic model which is able to estimate the optimal buffer geometry. In experiments, the buffer volumes are being gradually by by filling a set of aluminum rings with different inner diameters and lengths into the buffers to get the desired dimensions. The experimental results show that the average deviation of 1.1% is obtained between the experimental results and the theoretical simulation at the buffer length of 30 mm. Experiments show that the minimum background signal occurs when the buffer length is equal to a quarter of the acoustic wavelength (λ / 4). The amplitude of the photoacoustic signals is barely welcomed when dbuf> 3dres. Considering that oversize of photoacoustic cells needs more measuring gas and more material, the buffer diameter can be deduced to dbuf≈3dres. Therefore, smaller photoacoustic cell is desirable.
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Cholangiocarcinoma refers to malignant tumorsthat develop in epithelial lining of biliary system,andit is divided into two categories according to tumorlocation