Construct Method of Predicting Satisfaction Model Based on Technical Characteristics

来源 :计算机辅助绘图.设计与制造:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grand666
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In order to construct objective relatively mapping relationship model between customer requirements and product technical characteristics,a novel approach based on customer satisfactions information digging from case products and satisfaction information
2000-02~2004-03我们为双侧肺大泡反复、交替破裂发生气胸9例采用经胸骨正中切口手术切除治疗,效果满意,现总结如下.1 对象和方法1.1 对象本组男7例,女2例,年龄38~56岁,平均47
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1 病例报告男,42岁.酗酒后刀刺伤右胸背部0.5 h,门诊给予伤口清创缝合后住院.查体:P98次/min,BP 98/60 mm Hg.神志清楚,右侧胸壁肩胛下角线内侧第八肋间有一长约2.5 cm伤口,
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