对51个新疆杏品种开花物候期、花粉量、花粉活力、花部器官发育特征及柱头可授性进行了调查研究。结果表明,新疆杏品种花期相对集中,大多持续6~9d,品种间均有3~4d重叠相遇;品种间花粉量与花粉活力差异较大,花粉量在13.2~4 846.9粒/花药,平均为1 449.1粒/花药,花粉萌发率在12.3%~80.1%,平均为52.4%;51个品种均有一定比例的短花柱花或雌蕊退化花,中长花柱花比率平均为59.5%,其中17个品种的中长花柱花比率不足50%,败育率较高;花前3d至开花后6d几乎所有品种都存在柱头可授性,各品种可授性强度虽然不同,但均呈现由弱变强,再由强变弱的趋势,且到达其最强可授性的时间多为花前1d或开花当天,多数品种较强的柱头可授性持续4~7d。
The phenophase, pollen amount, pollen viability, floral organ development characteristics and stigma receptivity of apricot cultivars in 51 Xinjiang were investigated. The results showed that the flowering period of Xinjiang apricot was relatively concentrated, mostly for 6 ~ 9 days, and the varieties met the overlap of 3 ~ 4 days. The difference of pollen amount and pollen vigor between varieties was significant. The average pollen quantity was 13.2-484.69 seeds / anther 1 449.1 seeds / anther, pollen germination rate was 12.3% ~ 80.1%, with an average of 52.4%; 51 species had a certain percentage of short or pistil degeneration flowers, the average length of middle and long style flowers was 59.5%, of which 17 Variety of the length of style less than 50%, abortion rate higher; almost all varieties from stigma 3d to 6d after flowering stigma receptivity, although the receptivity of each variety are different, but all showed from weak to strong , And then weaken by the trend of weakness, and reached its most promisable time mostly 1d before flowering or flowering day, most of the varieties of stigma receptivity lasted 4 ~ 7d.