咳特灵胶囊为含扑尔敏的中西药复方制剂(每粒含榕树叶干浸膏0.36g,扑尔敏1.4mg)。根据文献记载,扑尔敏及其制剂的含量测定一般使用非水溶液滴定法和紫外分光光度法,但在本制剂中因受中药成分的影响不宜测定。本文采用具有较高专属性的离子对萃取比色法测定其中扑尔敏的含量,方法灵敏,操作简便,结果比较满意。有关文献与实验结果表明,扑尔敏在 pH5左右的条件下和甲基橙能形成离子对,以氯仿萃取,萃取液于425nm 波长处有最大吸收。一、仪器与试药1.WFZ800-D_2型紫外—可见分光光度计,北京第二光学仪器厂;UV-200紫外分光光度计,日本岛津。2.氯仿、乙醇均为分析纯试剂。3.扑尔敏对照品由药用扑尔敏经乙
Keteling capsules containing chlorpheniramine in the compound of Chinese and Western medicine (each containing banyan leaf extract 0.36g, chlorpheniramine 1.4mg). According to the literature, chlorpheniramine and its preparations are generally determined by non-aqueous titration and UV spectrophotometry, but not in the preparation due to the influence of traditional Chinese medicine ingredients should not be determined. In this paper, with a higher specificity ion-pair extraction colorimetric determination of chlorpheniramine content, sensitive, easy to operate, the results are satisfactory. The relevant literature and experimental results show that chlorpheniramine can form ion pairs with methyl orange at a pH of about 5 and is extracted by chloroform. The extract has a maximum absorption at a wavelength of 425 nm. First, instruments and reagents 1.WFZ800-D_2 type UV - visible spectrophotometer, Beijing Second Optical Instrument Factory; UV-200 UV spectrophotometer, Japan Shimadzu. 2. Chloroform, ethanol are analytical reagents. 3. Chlorpheniramine by the medicinal chlorpheniramine by B