21世纪将是全球性生产能力过剩的时代,争夺市场的竞争也会愈演愈烈。中国企业要想在竞争中下遭淘汰,并且赢得一席之地,必须跟上世界经济的步伐,勇于吸收借鉴一切有利于自身发展的国际先进的企业经营管理手段。风行世界的CIS战略不可避免地被导入中国。 一、CIS在中国 CIS中Corporale Identity System的英文缩写。其中的Corporate是指法人、团体、企业。Identity,根据韦氏大辞典,有三个含义:(1)证明、识别;(2)同一性、一致性(Samdness);(3)恒持性、持久性(Continuity).System是指系统、秩序、规律或体系。CIS目前一般译为企业识别系统或企业形象战略。其含义是一个社会组织(主要指企业)为了塑造自身形象,通过统一的视觉设计,运用整
The 21st century will be an era of overcapacity in the world and competition for the market will intensify. If Chinese enterprises want to be eliminated from the competition and win a place, they must keep up with the pace of world economy and be brave enough to draw on and learn from all the international advanced management methods that are conducive to their own development. CIS strategy prevailing in the world is inevitably introduced into China. First, CIS in China CIS Corporale Identity System in English abbreviations. Corporate refers to the legal persons, groups and enterprises. Identity, according to Wechsler's Dictionary, has three meanings: (1) Proof and identification; (2) Samdness; (3) Continuity. System refers to the system, order , Law or system. CIS is generally translated as corporate identity system or corporate image strategy. Its meaning is a social organization (mainly refers to business) in order to shape their own image, through a unified visual design, the use of the whole